Embarcación recreativa sundancer sea ray de 34 pies, con capacidad para 6 personas, cómodamente equipada con sonido envolvente y bluetooth y luces led por las noches, interiores de lujo confort con área de baño, cocina, habitación queen con camarote secundario, mesa de servicio interior y exterior más asoleadero , minibar, microondas, tv y conectividad bluetooth, con decoración Ad hoc.
Servicios de Luxor Resort
sunset / dinner experience
Yacht Senses no es sólo un yate de lujo, sino una experiencia para tus sentidos.
Our founders have brought together service experiences and sailing knowledge to create the first Slow living on board detail at every foot of our boats, from a kitchen with chef on board, to spa moments and action-packed activities.
A romantic atmosphere of haute cuisine in the light of the moon and settings full of sophistication, perfect for a romantic date or a dinner between friends… Its time to forget the restaurant format and live The Yacht Senses.